Pictures 'n stuff

Pictures 'n stuff
Theres a story behind this, but I shan't tell it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Whoops, Harry Potter fell into a plot hole!

Ok, so I was watching a trailer for the second part of the last Harry Potter move(I'm a die-hard HP fan), and they had this bit at the end, you know, where Harry and Voldemort have their last dramatic face-down, and all of a sudden Harry's all like "Lets finish this the way we started it-together!" (which sounds like something you'd say to your ex. O_o) and he grabs Voldemort(actually, hugs. O_e), and they fall into this giant hole-thing which suddenly appeared in plot, because it wasn't there before(before meaning in the books. Also, Hogwarts is supposed to survive the fight, not be blown to rubble! What is with these people??) which is stupid anyway, because they're both wizards,  and so would survive the fall just by casting a cushion charm! Plus, whats with Ginny kissing Harry? They squish it in right in the middle of a giant action-filled trailer, and don't even give it two seconds! Its like they just didn't know where to put it, so they squeezed it right in the middle, where it wouldn't make any sense at all! I guess they forgot to put in a little romance, and at the end they were like "Oh, whoops, Ginny was supposed to kiss Harry. Here, we'll stick it the middle!" If you're going to have kissing, at least to it justice! Jeez. If the movie is as badly arranged as Twilight(...I'm also a die-hard Twi-fan.(not to be confused with 'fangirl') Yes, its odd. No, I'm not going to start raving about Edward. O_o)I'm something drastic. Like....*tries to think of something good* make a ranting post about Harry Potter. Wait. I did that already. Dang.


Saturday, July 2, 2011


So, I'm sure you've all heard about the new bill they're thinking about passing. (you haven't? Go here: ) So, essentually, they want to shut down Hulu, and, of course, Youtube(Eek! What would we do without Youtube??). Personally, I don't see how this would benefit anyone. Why do they want to destroy so many large companies? I suppose this might help the cinimas and such, since no one would be able to watch stuff online anymore...but still. WHY? WHY!?

If you actually support this, I'd love to hear your reasoning.