Pictures 'n stuff

Pictures 'n stuff
Theres a story behind this, but I shan't tell it.

Sunday, April 28, 2013


See? The rambling got me somewhere!! Guyz guyz guyz this is exciting Chaos remembered something!

Anyhoo(I have dignity I swear)

So there was this girl the other day. (I have such potential for novels dont I, just look at that marvelous opening)

Her and two of her friends were walking into the school(it was right at the end of lunch), and I was lurking hanging out by the front doors, alone.(The person I'd been waiting for hadn't shown) Anyway, this girl walks by, says

"Hey gorgeous!"

(somewhat confusing. Most people's nicknames for me are slightly less flattering and tend to refer to my hair colour.)


"Yeah, I'm talking to you!"

Girl and friends continue on to wherever they're going, I continue my lurking.  But this was possibly my favorite thing that happened that week.

Cus it was nice.
Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of nice people out there. But I think a lot of people, maybe most people aren't as nice as they could be. I know I'm not.
Because lets be honest here, how many of you are likely to go out of your way to do something nice? It's been a busy day, you're bored, or tired, or feeling sick, or had a bad day, or late for class, or worried about friends or family, or just plain lazy.

Take my school, for instance. Most doors leading out of said school are one way. They are, however, made mostly of glass. One of these doors happens to be right next to a main stairway, and me and someone else had gotten locked out. We knocked, waved, and generally tried to get someone, out of the dozens of people flooding up the stairs, to take the time it took to walk ten feet, and push open a door. Aside from the one kid that saw us, stopped, laughed, and continued walking, most people just kept going.
This happens a lot, as school staff don't appreciate kids blocking doors open. Most of the time we get let in by a friend. There is only one kid, out of all the ones who take those stairs at that time, who isn't a friend, that consistently takes the time to let us in.

I don't know his name, but he's nice, he's friendly, and he's considerate. His class room doesn't even require going up the stairs-the special ed kids have their own room.

Someday I shall go give all these nice people hugs.
So maybe some of you could take the time and do something nice. Who knows, maybe you'll get hugged by an odd blonde chick!

On that note, farewell!

You are all gorgeous, gorgeous bananas.


Greetings to my fellow bananas!

I was gonna write about something, but I forgot what it was. So, true to character, I'm writing this post anyway!
Maybe we'll get there in the end.

How did people make waffles before waffle irons? Was there special pans? Did they use oddly shaped pudgy-pie makers over a fire? Did waffles simply not exist? Who invented waffles? Who looked at a pancake and said "You know what, I bet this would taste better if it was square and looked like it had maybe been stepped on."
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So, I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but high school is sort of like drama incarnate. Or maybe it's just my family. Public school isn't high on the list, but we ain't bad at drama!

Speaking of drama, I'm in it! Drama incarnate on so many levels!
Drama club, I mean. And before you ask, no, I can't act.
But (after multiple parental debates) I'm doing it anyway!
(See the trend yet?)


Conversation Of The Day:

"If unicorns are horny horses, what are reindeer?"

Speaking of gay people(and bi people and straight people and trans people and confused people and queer people and also aliens who like humans and vice versa(whovians, I'm looking at you)), I participated in The Day Of Silence on the 18th. And also the 28th. Our school did it late. While I'm ashamed to admit that I lost my(rather cheap but wholeheartedly rainbow)ribbon signifying my support, I would like to share my thoughts with you bananas out there:

1.Not talking is hard. I know, that sounds like a no-brainer, or for some of you it sounds like an exaggeration. For me, it was hard. I talk. I talk a lot. I may not always make sense, and I may not always be telling the truth, but I like talking. I like singing possibly more than I like talking, and the temptation to sing Alex Day and Evanescence down the hallways like I usually do was unbelieveably annoying. (certain people may have been grateful. My singing as been described as many things, including annoying(and also angelic, but I think she may have been slightly sarcastic))

2.Some people missed the point of the day. The point was not to flail silently at those who slipped up and spoke, nor was it to prove how good of a person or a friend you are. It was simply to draw attention to the harassment that those who do not conform to society's definition of "normal"(ie, straight), by attempting to demonstrate how hard it is to be afraid of speaking aloud.

3.Could someone tell me the definition of queer? No one seemed to be able to give a satisfactory response to this.

~Chaos out