Pictures 'n stuff

Pictures 'n stuff
Theres a story behind this, but I shan't tell it.

Friday, June 15, 2012


So I went to the movies to see Avengers the other day.

Exciting, no? I went with my friend, my sister, and my mom.

Yeah, I know. I have no life.

So, I'm probably like the least qualified person on the planet to judge this movie, for various reasons. A., I've never seen Batman, Ironman, Superman, or Captin America. In fact, I didn't even know there was a Captan America until recently. My only experience with The Hulk was a 5 minute long portion of a movie, where a big green man rips apart a house, and some blonde chick runs around screaming. The only superhero movie I have seen all the way through is Spiderman, and, as the whole thing was in Spanish, my comprehension level was pretty low.

Ok, my biggest reason for going was because I'm a Whedon fangirl. Sorry, superhero lovers.

So, anyway, there are a few(totally unqualified)things I'd like to say about the Avengers:

1) Loki is awesome. (The horns that randomly sprout from his head are good for jokes, too)

2) Why are there no girl superheros? There's that one chick in black(I thought someone said she was the Black Widow, but I'm miss clueless here, and that meant next to nothing in my book), but aside from that, it's all testosterone and big muscles. No evil temptress, even.

3) Seeing the other superhero movies would totally have been a plus.

4) What's with the ending clip? "To attack Earth would be to court death", or something? WTF, producers. That is one of the worst "make you wanna watch the sequel" ending I have ever seen(excepting the one in the 1st half of Breaking Dawn. The Volturi are not supposed to pretend to be funny).

5) Thor is totally hot.

So, now that you've read the planet's most unqualified movie review(written by your's truely), I bid you adiu! Later I shall post about the begining of summer, the failings of the Zipper, and prehaps an infinately-more-qualified opinion of The Hunger Games movie.


In case I haven't made it clear:

Go see the movie. See it now. It is awesome. It is directed by Joss Whedon, therefor it is awesome.


If you don't know who Whedon is, that is sad.  Go watch Serenity, or maybe Firefly, you sad, sad person.

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